
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

SOL #5 One Day

Last week I was having one of those “I REALLY wish I woke up with pink eye so I can call into work sick” days. 

I hadn’t been sleeping well, was doing a lot of work at home lately and just hadn’t been spending good quality time with my daughter. I missed her.

Just as I was about to get ready to leave for work, my daughter woke up. Yes! I can get a little squeeze and a few extra kisses in before heading out. This moment curbed my pink eye yearnings. 

I start the leaving process now and have my coat on. Not three seconds later my daughter comes running to me, “Mama nooo! Coat, off,” as she is physically trying to remove my jacket. Guess she was missing me, too. 

So what do I do? Go to work just like every other working parent out there, who have been in this situation far too many times. And try to find a balance between being committed to your profession and the desire to never have to work again. Maybe one day. Until then, perhaps pink eye will hit me. 


  1. 1. the kermit meme made me LOL.
    2. how about I just wish a slight headache on you, coupled with the desire for a mentlal health day? Don't go gettin all pink-eye on me!
    3. Hope you and b got some quality time together today!

  2. Aww! I know it is hard juggling work and something you love outside of it. I can only imagine throwing a child in that mix whom you love so much. If only we had an extra hour in the day to spend with the people we love. I will say, I am thankful I get to see your shining face everyday if that makes things a tiny bit better :)

  3. This is a difficult part of balancing home and and work, right? I can certainly relate.

    May you get some extra snuggles with your little one soon!
